Optimizing AI and Human Expertise Integration in Cybersecurity: Enhancing Operational Efficiency and Collaborative Decision-Making
Mehdi Saadallah*, Abbas Shahim, and Svetlana Khapova
January 30, 2025
DOI : 10.56831/PSEN-06-177
This systematic literature review draws into multiple theories, such as resource-based view, sociotechnical systems theory, technology acceptance model, dynamic capabilities theory, contingency theory, cybernetic, and human machine interaction Theory, to explore how artificial intelligence, automation, and human expertise can optimize cybersecurity operations through complementary roles and continuous feedback mechanisms. The outcomes of this study introduce two conceptual models that respond to this objective. The symbiotic integration framework, which promotes continuous interaction and ethical oversight between AI systems and human operators, and the symbiotic maturity integration model, which maps the progressive stages of AI-human integration from initial to optimized. This study addresses the literature gaps related to the symbiotic relationship between AI and human expertise in cybersecurity operations, providing a pathway for adaptive, resilient cybersecurity practices that align with organizational values and enhance defensive capabilities in a dynamic threat landscape.
Keywords: Systematic literature review; Automation in Cyber Defense; Artificial Intelligence Integration; AI-Human Interaction; Operational Effectiveness; AI in Threat Detection; Cybersecurity Decision-Making
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