PriMera Scientific Engineering (ISSN: 2834-2550)

Research Article

Volume 5 Issue 4

The (Elementary) Mathematical Data Model Revisited

Christian Mancas*

September 30, 2024

DOI : 10.56831/PSEN-05-157


This paper presents the current version of our (Elementary) Mathematical Data Model ((E)MDM), which is based on the naïve theory of sets, relations, and functions, as well as on the first-order predicate calculus with equality. Many real-life examples illustrate its 4 types of sets, 4 types of functions, and 76 types of constraints. This rich panoply of constraints is the main strength of this model, guaranteeing that any data value stored in a database is plausible, which is the highest possible level of syntactical data quality. An (E)MDM example scheme is presented and contrasted with some popular family tree software products.

Keywords: (Elementary) Mathematical Data Model; MatBase; Naïve theory of sets relations and functions; First order predicate calculus with equality; Database design; Modelware


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