PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (ISSN: 2833-5627)

Research Article

Volume 5 Issue 4

Combined effect of AlCl3 and GA on Biochemical Characterization of Wheat Primary Leaves during Dark Incubated Senescence

G Fareeda* and SDS Murthy

October 04, 2024


Senescence is the age-dependent end of the life span. In plants, it can be visualized by yellowing of leaves that accompanies the mobilization of leaf nutrients to the reproductive structures. The yellowing of senescing leaves is correlated with a series of biochemical changes such as loss of chlorophyll contents, degradation of proteins, RNA and a decline in photosynthetic activity. Senescence limits crop yields in annual crops like maize, rice and wheat. Delayed leaf senescence is a desirable agronomic trait to improve crop yield. In this study the combination of AlCl3 and Gibberellic acid reduced the loss of pigments, proteins, spectral properties, electron transport activities in wheat primary leaves under incubated dark conditions. The restoration of whole chain electron transport activity by the combination of AlCl3 and GA was closely associated with the restoration of PS II activity when compared with PS I. The combination of Gibberellic acid and AlCl3 treated leaf thylakoid membranes showed an increase in absorption at 680 nm moderate increases at 480 nm and 440 nm at 72 h during dark incubation. The AlCl3 and Gibberellic acid protected the degradation of water oxidation complex polypeptides (33, 23, 17 KDa) of PS II and slightly protected the 68 kDa of PS I polypeptides.

Keywords: Senescence retardation; PSII and PS I activity; water oxidation complex polypeptides


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