PriMera Scientific Engineering (ISSN: 2834-2550)

Research Article

Volume 5 Issue 3

A Military Application Robot (Design and Implementation) that Works as a Mine and Gas Detector

Al-Furati Israa S*, Alaa I AL-Mayoof and Zainab Ali Muhammed

April 29, 2024

DOI : 10.56831/PSEN-05-151


(In this paper, the aim of industrial robots is multifaceted, encompassing several key goals for manufacturers: Increased Productivity and Efficiency: Robots can work tirelessly without breaks, performing tasks much faster and more consistently than humans. This translates to higher production output and shorter lead times. Enhanced Precision and Quality: Robots excel at repetitive tasks with pinpoint accuracy, minimizing errors and ensuring consistent product quality. This is crucial for industries like electronics and pharmaceuticals, where precision is paramount. Reduced Costs: While the initial investment in robots can be significant, their long- term cost-effectiveness is undeniable. They reduce labor costs, minimize material waste, and require less maintenance than human workers. Improved Safety: Robots can safely handle hazardous materials and perform dangerous tasks, reducing the risk of injuries and fatalities on the shop floor. Greater Flexibility and Adaptability: Modern robots are becoming increasingly versatile, capable of handling different tasks and adapting to changing production needs. This flexibility allows manufacturers to respond quickly to market demands and customize their products more easily. As a simple introduction to the idea of the project, it works as a mine and gas detector. Due to the impossibility of obtaining a mine sensor, only the metal sensor was added in the experiment, as it was programmed using an Arduino and NRF on both the transmitting and receiving sides to control its movement wireless. To work in forbidden areas between countries to detect mines, in addition to connecting a harmful gas detection circuit to sense if there is a harmful gas to sound a siren, and also connecting a metal detection circuit in case it detects metal, which will also sound a siren).

Keywords: Exploration Robotics; ESP Camera; Industrial Robot; Mine Detection Sensor; Military Application


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