PriMera Scientific Engineering (ISSN: 2834-2550)

Review Article

Volume 5 Issue 3

Factors Affecting Precision Agriculture Technologies Adoption in Hong Kong

Eric Kin Wai Lau*

August 08, 2024

DOI : 10.56831/PSEN-05-148


The study aims to investigate the current precision agriculture technologies adoption in Hong Kong and construct a model of adoption. It is the first comprehensive study of precision agriculture technologies adoption utilizing both grounded theory approach and quantitate studies. The study began with open-ended interviews with farmers in Hong Kong on their perceptions about the use of precision agriculture technologies in their farms. Using grounded theory approach, the research team identified predictors of their adoptions. In the second phase, the research team will develop and administer a survey and test the adoption model.

Keywords: precision agriculture technology; harvest automation; information technology adoption; modern farming management


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