PriMera Scientific Engineering (ISSN: 2834-2550)

Short Communication

Volume 2 Issue 1

The Conscience Technology on Matter: Advanced Interstellar Trips

Francisco Bulnes*

December 24, 2022

DOI : 10.56831/PSEN-02-022


The central idea of Lagrangian dynamics is to study the movement of particles, even in continuous media, and the causes that originate this movement, which brings an intrinsic transformation of space due to energy. Not so the physical entities, which must be invariant under the choice of transformations of coordinate systems.

After identifying the central idea of Nano [1], as "the power of mind over matter", was to characterize with these elements of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics concepts such as conscience of a particle, due action to a force of the field, the field itself, seen as an intention [2, 3] and to unite the synergistic action of many particles acting together to create an organized transformation on matter.F.1

     These are the first elements considered to create a mathematical theory of nanotechnology [1] at the advanced level of field theory, which could be achieved in the coming years. Although the latter is mentioned in a first tribute to me [4], this theory is now reality (figures 1).

     While we carry out some interesting research in nanomedicine [5], and nanomaterials [6, 7], being part of the technological developments realized around of the mathematical theory of nanotechnology that are being and have been realized and published in many references.

     This study consider the causal structure of the scattering phenomena through past and future light cones, create the possibility of energy for one thousand years, perpetual motion machines and star-gates (worm holes in the space) with advanced analogues as the synchrotronic propulsion (advanced spaceships) and disintegrative mass weapons, using the same principles in all case.

     During many years developing many ideas around the electromagnetic propulsion as a source of take-off and movement, including landing, of advanced magnetic levitation vehicles. In the year 2010, [8] starts a research sub-program of his research program, dedicated to the development of advanced vehicles by electromagnetic propulsion.

     Several papers are published in more than 20 different journals and book chapters on quantum mechanics and superconductivity [9, 10] for the purpose of proving a consistent theory for the creation of these advanced vehicles and reinforces in that sense, taking advantage of his position as editor-in-chief of the journal on photonics and spintronics, with works by other researchers related to the study of supercinductivity, Majorana fermions, and other related topics (figure 2 and figure 3). F.2

     Just as electromagnetic fields are caused by a charge and gravitational fields are caused by weight (mass and force), any rotating objects create torsion fields.

     Torsion fields can interact with laser beams (change frequency); creating effects of diverse nature, for example, in the biological processes, where torsion affect directly the ADN. Also can melting or solidifying some materials, affect quartz crystals increasing their properties as resonators. Also affect some electronic components creating radiation coverings. The torsion can favourably change some beverages, and have been noted to affects gravity. F.3

     According to this theory, every substance has its own "chronal charge" defined by the quantity of "chronal" particles which were named "chronons". In [13] was supposed that while the object is spinning, "chronons" are interacting with other "chronons" that surround this object and therefore the weight of the object changes. According to A.I. Veinik's theory, "chronons" generate the so called "chronal" field. A.I. Veinik found experimentally that strong "chronal" fields can be generated by spinning masses. In [14] explained through schemes of coverings and measured some properties of "chronal" fields and found that two types of "chronons" exist ("plus" and "minus" chronons). It is important to emphasize that can be concluded that the sign of the "chronon" depended on orientation of their spin. Some of these facts could explain the hyperbolicity of the space and their law of the minimal action and geometrical trajectories “braquistrocrona curve” satisfying this law of minimal action, and consigned in the inertial law inside the Einstein equations with expansion reflected into the Christoffel symbols considered in the gravitation equations.

     The spinning space can be consigned in a smooth space (as the apparent uniformity of the space-time in the ground) when the energy fluxes of the spins derive in neutrinos and these full all space of energy. The problem with the manage of the chronogeometry with this particles is the definition of the synchronicity that is required to some process to quantum level to create some process and their integration inside synergic action or “organized transformations” to obtain the reality of the space-time [2].

     Actually, and with research groups that I direct, we are considering the torsion [15, 16] as principal effect to generate propulsion in an advanced model of ship, considering the way through electromagnetic plasma [17] (figure 4 A).

     Likewise through of a caption and detection camera, is measured the electromagnetic properties of the ionic flow of the space ~IIe (ρ, u), derived from the electromagnetic plasma ~IIH, and is proposed an ionic propeller considering the pressure gradients due to electrons and ions concentrated in a little region of the shock waves produced with an electric field. Also is used mean curvature energy [18, 19] to measure and control the ionic flow. Then researches are in this step (figure 4 B). F.4

     We must to create or invent new mathematics to describe a complete quantum mechanics based in the synchronicity; a synchronic quantum mechanics, which is there in the causal structure of the Universe but in a more deep level. All these are theories developed around field theory to define the intentionality of a field and apply it in nanotechnology, on matter.

     Studies in condensed matter and MHD, also have been incorporated. The only one energy to all ship (even to nanomedicine process) must come from the reactor of electromagnetic plasma.


  1. F Bulnes. Mathematical Nanotechnology, Generis Publishing, Slovenia (2021).
  2. Bulnes F. “Mathematical Nanotechnology: Quantum Field Intentionality”. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics 1 (2013): 25-44.
  3. Francisco Bulnes. “Quantum Intentionality and Determination of Realities in the Space-Time Through Path Integrals and Their Integral Transforms”. Advances in Quantum Mechanics, Prof. Paul Bracken (Ed.), InTech (2013).
  4. Helen Thrift, Yuri Stropovsvky and Francisco Bulnes (Honored). “A Mathematician’s Search for Technologies of Understanding the Universe”. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, New Castle, United Kingdom (2020).
  5. F. Bulnes., et al. “Quantum Developments in Nanomedicine: Nanocurative Actions by Soft Photons Sources and their Path Integrals”. Open Central Press, United Kingdom (2015).
  6. F Bulnes, Y Stropovsvky and V Yermishkin. "Quasi-Relaxation Transforms, Meromorphic Curves and Hereditary Integrals of the Stress-Deformation Tensor to Metallic Specimens". Modern Mechanical Engineering 2.3 (2012): 92-105.
  7. F Bulnes, V Yermishkin and E Toledano. “Constitutive Equations of the Stress-Strain Tensor for a Metal Speci- men Rehearsal in Quasi-Relaxation Regime and Their Generalized Functional of Energy”. Proceedings of the 2nd CIMM, Vol. III, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota (2009).
  8. F Bulnes, E Hernández and J Maya. Volume 7: Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Thermal Systems, Parts A and B, ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2010).
  9. F Bulnes, J Maya and I Martínez. "Design and Development of Impeller Synergic Systems of Electromagnetic Type to Levitation/Suspension Flight of Symmetrical Bodies". Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications 4.1 (2012): 42-52.
  10. F Bulnes and A Álvarez. "Homological Electromagnetism and Electromagnetic Demonstrations on the Existence of Superconducting Effects Necessaries to Magnetic Levitation/Suspension". Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications 5.6 (2013): 255-263.
  11. Francisco Bulnes. “A Lie-QED-Algebra and their Fermionic Fock Space in the Superconducting Phenomena, Selected Topics in Applications of Quantum Mechanics”. Prof. Mohammad Reza Pahlavani (Ed.), InTech (2015).
  12. F Bulnes. An electromagnetic ship designed by Lie-QED and their fermionic fock space principles in superconducting to the future flights, 4th International Conference and Exhibition on Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Orlando, USA (2016).
  13. Veinik AI. Thermodynamics of Real Process, Minsk (1991) (In Russian).
  14. Ramirez M., et al. “Field Ramifications: The Energy-Vacuum Interaction that Produces Movement”. Journal on Photonics and Spintronics 2.4 (2013): 4-11.
  15. Francisco Bulnes., et al. “Detector of Torsion as Field Observable and Applications”. American Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 8.4 (2020): 108-115.
  16. Francisco Bulnes. “Deep Study of the Universe through Torsion, Cambridge Scholars Press”. United Kingdom (2022).
  17. Francisco Bulnes., et al. “Electromagnetic plasma reactor: Implicit application of field torsion I”. Int J Electron Microcircuits 1.1 (2021): 30-35.
  18. F Bulnes, I Martínez and O Zamudio. “Fine Curvature Measurements through Curvature Energy and their Gauging and Sensoring in the Space”. Book of Sensors and Applications in Measuring and Automation Control Systems (Advances in Sensors: Reviews, (Ed.) Sergey Y. Yurish, IFSA Publishimg, Barcelona, Spain 4.20 (2017).
  19. F Bulnes., et al. “Electronic Sensor Prototype to Detect and Measure Curvature Through Their Curvature Energy”. Science Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 4.5 (2015): 41-54.
  20. Francisco Bulnes., et al. “Electromagnetic plasma reactor: Implicit application of field torsion I”. Int J Electron Microcircuits Accepted (2022).