PriMera Scientific Engineering (ISSN: 2834-2550)


Volume 2 Issue 1

Confined Quantum Field Theory

Mohammad Fassihi*

December 03, 2022

DOI : 10.56831/PSEN-02-020


     Confined Quantum Field Theory is the extension of the moral of the special and general relativity into the quantum domain. Thereby each quantum object is represented by a bounded and connected manifold with a metric as the function of its energy and topology representing type of particle. This gives any quantum object well-defined size and position. This simple and basic statement bring us beyond uncertainty and paradox in the quantum theory and make it much stronger instrument to solve many fundamental problem in many domain in physics. Here I just give some example to demonstrate how this theory works. Take for example emission of photon by accelerating electron. Since both electron and photon is bounded connected manifold and are not probable points and photon is a sub-manifold of electron in the beginning of the emission both manifolds have overlaps and this take a short time before the separation. Therefore energy conservation is valid all the time and here we have no time-energy uncertainty. The cases that show superiority of this theory are numerous. I recommend the book “Confined Quantum Field Theory” second edition.
