Personalized nutrition based on an athlete’s genetic profile has emerged as an effective strategy for optimizing performance in soccer. This review aims to analyze how nutrigenetic-guided personalized nutrition can enhance soccer performance. Nutrigenetics identifies genetic polymorphisms that influence key physiological processes, including carbohydrate metabolism, muscle recovery, strength generation, aerobic endurance, and thermoregulation. Key genes such as ACTN3, ACE, IL6, BDKRB2, and AMPD1 play critical roles in these processes, directly impacting athletic performance. Personalized nutritional strategies tailored to these genetic insights can optimize glycogen utilization, modulate inflammatory responses, enhance muscle strength and oxygenation, and support adequate hydration. The application of nutrigenetics in soccer not only enhances on-field performance but also reduces injury risk and accelerates recovery, representing a valuable tool for the nutritional management of high-performance athletes.
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