PriMera Scientific Surgical Research and Practice (ISSN: 2836-0028)

Case Presentation

Volume 4 Issue 2

A Case of Immediate Implant loading using Natural Teeth as Provisional Restoration - A Case Report

Kamal Ramjee Vaska*, B Jhansi Reddy and N Sri Gowri

July 25, 2024

DOI : 10.56831/PSSRP-04-121


Modern techniques demonstrate positive esthetic outcomes for replacing a tooth in the esthetic zone by an immediate implant placement and provisionalization (IIPP). This case report presents a clinical case who underwent orthodontic treatment with retained deciduous canine and missing permanent canine. It was planned for extraction of retained deciduous tooth with an immediate implant placement and provosionalization using the extracted tooth.

Keywords: Implant; Provisionalisation; Natural Teeth; Pontic


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