PriMera Scientific Surgical Research and Practice (ISSN: 2836-0028)

Case Report

Volume 3 Issue 1

Simplification of 7 Implant Placement with Guided Surgery. Presentation of a Case

Martínez-Ramos Yoban, Ortiz-Cruz Ana and Yoshamin Abnoba Moreno-Vargas*

December 12, 2023

DOI : 10.56831/PSSRP-03-078


Introduction: Guided surgery is a technique that has evolved too much in recent years for improvement in the area of implantology with the aim of reproducing what is planned in the planning software and reducing the risk of poor positioning by offering the patient less invasive treatments in the surgical and prosthetic area.

Objective: To evaluate surgical times and reduce postoperative discomfort after dental implant placement, comparing it with the freehand technique in partially edentulous posterior areas.

Material and Methods: we present an adult female patient with an edentulous zone in the upper and lower posterior area for the placement of dental implants. The technique used was guided surgery.

Results: It was observed that the three-dimensional position of the implants placed by means of guided surgery reduces and decreases iatrogenesis, which can injure some anatomical risk areas such as the inferior dental nerve. It also helped the patient to have an easy postoperative recovery; It also led to a good clinical result since it helps to reduce surgical times by 70%, the placement of the implant was as planned, the insertion of the implants was obtained in the appropriate three-dimensional position, anatomical structures that were at risk were not compromised and the patient's postoperative discomfort was improved.

Conclusion: Guided surgery by means of a 3D printed guide is a procedure that allows the application of a highly precise, safe, effective and fast technique, whose surgery becomes more accurate by virtually visualizing the placement of implants.

Keywords: Guided surgery; dental implant; cad-cam system; tomography; guided bone regeneration; surgical guides; guided surgery; 3D design


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