PriMera Scientific Surgical Research and Practice (ISSN: 2836-0028)

Case Report

Volume 2 Issue 6

Bone Regeneration Surgery for Vertical Augmentation Using the KometaBio System

Dulce Ochoa-Rosales, Yosham?n Abnoba-Moreno Vargas* and Vicente-Carrasco

November 18, 2023

DOI : 10.56831/PSSRP-02-074


Introduction: When placing dental implants, there is some difficulty when rehabilitating some patients when they have low bone density. Therefore, one treatment option is bone regeneration surgery using an autologous dentin injector. And by using said injector, the aim is to promote osteogenesis, osteoinduction and osteoconduction.

Aim: To evaluate the vertical increase in a bone defect using the KometaBio system, by Cone beamTomography.

Method: Male patient presents with a vertical bone defect in the upper anterior sector for implant placement. The bone regeneration technique of choice was placement of an autologous dentin injector, with the KometaBio system to achieve vertical increase, which was evaluated after 6 months by means of Cone beam Tomography, to subsequently continue with assessment and implant planning.

Results: A vertical bone increase was found in the area of the dental organ 21, which was: 4.07 mm in the turbinate, 0.10 mm medially and 0.98 in the apical area.

Conclusion: The autogenous dentin injector appears to be able to promote bone formation through repeated osteoinduction and osteoconduction in vertical and horizontal bone defects, providing adequate bone density for future implant placement.

Keywords: Guided bone regeneration; Autologous dentin graft; Osseointegration


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