PriMera Scientific Surgical Research and Practice (ISSN: 2836-0028)

Case Report

Volume 2 Issue 4

Toxic Megacolon: A Conundrum

Mohamed Shafi Mahboob Ali*

September 26, 2023


Toxic megacolon is defined as an acute non-obstructive inflammatory condition with dilatation of the bowel causing septicemia and peritonitis. The cut off point for the bowel dilatation is taken as 6cm and above with loss of haustration on imaging. The exact cause of toxic megacolon is still debatable but several postulations have been laid down. The etiology of toxic megacolon can be divided into several factors such as inflammatory, autoimmune, tumors and others. Toxic megacolon carries a high morbidity and mortality with delayed interventions. The incidence increases with age with male preponderance.


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