PriMera Scientific Surgical Research and Practice (ISSN: 2836-0028)

Conceptual Paper

Volume 2 Issue 1

The Value of Key Performance Indicators in Healthcare Organizational Excellence

Kholood Mugharbel*

June 27, 2023

DOI : 10.56831/PSSRP-02-044


     Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are measures that organizations use to determine and track their progress to meet its strategic goals. KPIs provide a measurement tool at all departmental levels and are considered as a scale by which organizations can keep score and the success of their outcome. KPI implementation reinforces the organization’s mission, vision, strategic planning and timeline of professional performance.

     In response to the competitive healthcare environment, organizations are continuously searching for practical standard tools and methods to improve their performance outcome. Not only shows improvements made over time within the organization departments, but it also measures performance by comparing results against other similar organizations.

     When KPI is being applied to healthcare organizations, it measures the degree of how much improvement in the outcome of healthcare providers. We all know that what gets measured gets improved. Healthcare leaders should establish a system of quality and performance metrics to control and improve overall healthcare quality; poor quality not only adversely affects patient outcomes, but also affect budget and profits.

     For improving healthcare services, indicators should cover healthcare service capability to achieve organization goals and resources with special standards covering patient safety, risk management, and integrated health services, which makes it important to comply with standards and correct performance safely and at an acceptable cost by society, so that it leads to continuous improvement of healthcare outcomes and conformity with the expectations.

     We can define healthcare operational excellence as building sustainable competitive standards through operation management, to improve the quality of patient healthcare at different health departments from primary care to intensive care, rehabilitation care and home care. Competitive, visionary healthcare leaders and policy planners are required to transform the daily health dynamics into sustainable, well-established services.

     An excellence model in Saudi Arabia has been started for few years now. Due to the importance of sustaining quality and organizational excellence, the role of the government sector is being supported by different governmental and private organizations.


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