PriMera Scientific Surgical Research and Practice (ISSN: 2836-0028)

Literature Review

Volume 2 Issue 1

A Critical Investigation of the Role of Psychological Pain Management on Successful Paediatric Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

Amani Abdulla Mohammed Al Ali*

June 09, 2023

DOI : 10.56831/PSSRP-02-039


     Physical pain in children has been identified by multiple evidences of research as a source of discomfort among children that can even limit their reception of other medical treatment. In this study, effort is made to highlight the role of physiotherapy in psychological pain management in children and how it helps in improving pain management for better treatment and rehabilitation.

     The current study examined evidences of literature from over 30 authoritative sources made up mostly of authoritative journals in the medical field of physiotherapy with specific focus on paediatric physiotherapy. The research sought to extract evidence of the different needs of children when it comes to pain management and how physiotherapy practice can be effectively deployed in the management of pain among children both from a psychological and physical point of view.

     The findings of the research highlighted the important role that physiotherapy with specific focus on psychological capabilities of physiotherapist to identify pain in children and effectively manage it. This was noted to assist children in their rehabilitation process post injury including but not limited to the positive uptake of other treatment such as surgery.

Keywords: physiotherapy; psychology; paediatric physiotherapy


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