PriMera Scientific Surgical Research and Practice (ISSN: 2836-0028)

Editorial Note

Volume 1 Issue 3

Could It Be That Patients Who Are Going for Surgery Cannot Undergo Clinical Treatment to Treat Their Illnesses?

Huang WL*

February 28, 2023

DOI : 10.56831/PSSRP-01-018


     I am writing this article today because in my daily clinical practice, I come across patients who are often submitted to surgical procedures without being properly treated clinically and this I want to be discussing with you in this article.

     Western medicine, since the implementation of the Flexner report in 1910, has been considered “scientific”, only what can be seen or can be demonstrated through laboratory and/or radiological exams, and everything that cannot be seen with the naked eye, was considered “unscientific” by the medical community and this happens even today [1].

     However, in the face of so many changes on our planet, I live in Brazil, a country that considers acupuncture and homeopathy as medical specialties, which have been recognized by the Federal Council of Medicine since 1980 and 1995 respectively [2].

     I feel privileged to live in my country Brazil because I know that in many countries such as the United States, acupuncture and homeopathy are still not considered medical specialties, and in the US, acupuncture treatment is allowed to be made by medical doctors but also by nurses, nutritionists, psychologists, etc [3].

     What I want to transmit today in this article is that Western medicine is seeing the human being only in parts, and not in its entirety, because it still does not consider the energy part, and only the materialized part of the energy, which are the visible parts that we can see by the naked eye [4, 5].

     Therefore, when a patient is brought into the or for any surgical procedure, I often find that "I could still be treated medically instead of being rushed into the or for surgery”.

     In various articles I write, I always demonstrate the differences in point of view of Western medicine with traditional Chinese medicine, through the figure of the tree. In this tree, I explain that Western medicine is represented through the part of the tree that is above the earth, which we usually can see with the naked eye. This part is composed of the branches of the tree, which represent the different specialties of Western medicine, and the leaves that come out of each branch, represent each disease treated by each medical specialty [6, 7].

     All surgical pathologies that Western medicine is treating are at the “leaf” level of the tree, for example, when a patient has an esophagogastric hernia, Western medicine treats it by performing surgery to contain the contents in the stomach by making a ring so that reflux does not occur [8].

     However, if we analyze the figure of the tree, according to traditional Chinese medicine, all the symptoms that appear at the leaf level in the different medical specialties, are caused by alterations in the energy present in the “root” of the tree, which Western medicine still does not recognize its existence and therefore does not study and does not treat [6, 9].

     Just today I saw a woman aged around 62 who said she had undergone surgery on her knee and had her meniscus removed, because of she was suffering a lot of knee pain. In these cases, traditional Chinese medicine understands that the cause of knee pain is at the “root” of the tree, which are the energy deficiencies of the Kidney and Liver as I am showing in the article written by myself titled (2020) Why Patients with Knee Pain Still Have Symptoms Despite the Use of Anti-inflammatory Medications [10, 11].

     That is why I am saying that patients who are taken for surgery have not yet completed their clinical treatment, where they could still have a cure. Nowadays, we see many cases being taken, and they could still do a clinical treatment and solve the case. The example I can give is surgeries to correct hiatus hernia, where it is known that reflux occurs due to lack of energy in the fifth chakra or the Spleen-pancreas energy (that is responsible for the function of the stomach, breast, spleen, pancreas, thyroid), and when the patient replaces this energy (of the Spleen) and of the whole system that is also without energy (such as the energy of the Lungs, Kidney, Liver, Heart), the patient improves from reflux without having to undergo surgery, which is not entirely innocuous, as I reported in the article written by myself (2021) titled How Can We Treat Gastroesophageal Reflux Without Doing Surgery? In this article, I am demonstrating a patient with hiatal hernia who was submitted to hernia correction using surgery. In the surgery there was an intestinal perforation, leading to septicemia, kidney failure, and vision loss. The patient has been more than 8 years after surgery and she is still dealing with the serious complications caused by this surgery [8].

     Patients with any kind of abdominal pain have in common, energy deficiency inside the five internal massive organs causing the formation of internal Fire, that it is the cause of abdominal pain, in the energy level, as I am showing in the article written by myself (2022) titled Energy Alterations in Patients with Abdominal Pain [12].

     Even in patients with a brain tumor, there is a chance of avoiding surgery when the doctor pays attention to treating the “root” of the tree and not just the symptoms, which are the tumor itself. I say this because the son of a patient had a brain tumor and blurred vision. As I know that the majority of the world's population is without energy in the five massive internal organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung, Kidney), I sent the medicines by a friend ( the patient lives in London) so that it would fill the energy of these organs and what happened to this patient was that he improved with the use of highly diluted medications (according to the theory written by me ( 2020), titled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and also medications made based on crystals). In this theory, I am using Phosphorus to treat Liver, Sulphur to treat Heart, Calcarea Carbonica to treat Spleen, Silicea to treat Lung, Natrum muriaticum to treat Kidney [5, 13, 14].

     Even patients with hemorrhoids can be treated clinically without the need for surgery, as they all have in common the lack of energy in the five massive internal organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, and Kidney), and thus, by treating the “root” of the problem and associating some techniques of traditional Chinese medicine, patients improve immediately after the auriculotherapy session without the need for surgery. Usually when the patient with hemorrhoids who was submitted to surgery, they need to stay at home for about two weeks and with a lot of pain in the postoperative period, and cannot work during this period, as I am talking about in the article written by myself (2020) titled Chakras Energy Alterations in Patients with Hemorrhoids and How to Treat it without Surgery [15].

     I am saying this because all surgical procedures today are considered high risk, because even if the patients' exams are normal, what is altered in all patients today (even in newborn children), are in the energy level, characterized as this lack of energy in the five massive internal organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, and Kidney), leading to a state of immunodepression, as I am showing in the article written by myself (2022) titled Are Patients Without Surgical Risks Really Without Surgical Risk? in the second article also written by myself (2021) title Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID 19? [16-17].

     All these energy alterations inside the human body are due to the lack of energy caused by chronic exposure to electromagnetic radiation, due to the modernization of telecommunication globally, and for this reason, all surgical patients are at high risk for complications in the operative period or in the postoperative period, as the anesthetic drugs normally used are all highly concentrates medications. According to the Arndt-Schultz law, created in 1888 by two German researchers, the use of any highly concentrated medication can cause a drop in vital energy and this effect can cause stagnation of Blood inside the blood vessels or other complications such as thrombosis, myocardial infarction, strokes or even death of this patient [16, 18-20].

     To minimize all these complications when using highly concentrated medications in all these energy-deficient patients, all patients who went for a surgical procedure should first be submitted to the treatment of the lack of energy of the five massive internal organs, using highly diluted medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine using Phosphorus to treat the Liver, Sulphur to treat the Heart, Calcarea Carbonica to treat Spleen, Silicea to treat the Lungs and Natrum muriaticum to treat the Kidney, thus maintaining the energy to keep the Blood circulation normally, without causing so much energy drop, when being undergoing an anesthetic procedure [13, 16].

     The world population is not the same as in the past, as I am showing in the article written by myself (2021) titled Is the Population in the World the Same as in the Past? So, the clinical measurements used in the diagnosis and treatment of all these patients needs to be careful because of this drop of energy, depending on the type of medication we need to use in the surgical procedure, causing complications or even death of all these patients, independently on the type of diagnosis or the age group, as I am showing in the article also written by myself (2021) titled Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection [21, 22].


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