PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (ISSN: 2833-5627)


Volume 6 Issue 2

Embracing Nightfall in the Digital Era: Approaches and Perspective

Sofica Bistriceanu*

January 24, 2025

DOI : 10.56831/PSMPH-06-191


Human life evolves through an ending, facing next to something never perceptible or illuminated, as for all animate surroundings.

The individual’s vision of the transition into a new life creation provides varied feelings from fear to exaltation, expectation of happiness, reunions with family members, and hope for God’s benevolence within His perfect beauty and equilibrium.

Usually, more suffering at the end of life makes some people prefer nightfall in advance; others, who can maintain a relative balance of their body functions, wish to enjoy more moments with their loved ones, friends, or other pleasant community members. Additionally, they want extended time to contemplate nature’s perfection in changing colour in real space, embrace novelty available on diverse IT devices, and access programs of interest on demand to enhance knowledge or relaxation.

Technological advancements offer unprecedented facilities. They provide tools to reinforce thoughts and the mind’s ability to overcome grief or barriers when they arise. Invigorating mind activity enhances bodily functions. Harmonized mental and physical activities improve blood flow through vessels and increase oxygen transport to cells, finally improving their functioning.

In today's digital age, people with limited ability for physical exercise due to medical conditions - such as bone or joint issues, muscle disorders, heart failure in stage 3 or 4, and/or neurological conditions – can significantly benefit from technology. IT devices can help them stay connected with loved ones, virtually discuss topics of interest, admire nature, and enjoy modern or classical artwork. They can also watch their favourite movies and musical programs. Taking pleasure in real or virtual preferred bird or animal company, varied food preparation and an attractive environment with no air or noise pollution makes their life good-looking and charming.

Caring for people in need supposes effectively communicating with them and their family members, showing devotion, and engaging in supportive acts in collaborative work. Maintaining a balance between work and recreational activities is essential for fostering good relationships among all parties involved. Disproportionate emotional and material commitment affects work efficiency, and fatigue from caring for others can negatively impact personal health. Caregivers can support others through love, respect, or a sense of obligation. Excessive involvement in caring for loved ones can lead to burnout, causing them to have feelings of disheartenment. Moreover, individuals who are suffering tend to be more sensitive to the attitudes of their caregivers. A lack of genuine care can disappoint them and alter their emotional well-being, making them more vulnerable.

Distress can be attenuated by using IT devices for fun and reinforcement, as well as by engaging in recreational activities in nature, especially for those without physical exercise limitations.

It is preferable to maintain a professional and pleasant relationship with the people suffering and their relatives since this promotes better clinical outcomes, enhances the patient experience, increases their adherence to the therapy plan, delights family members, and leads to a provider's good name that facilitates their career advancement, financial status improvement, and esteem in the community.

Cool-hearted work disappoints all players in relationships, making them change providers, which alters their personal, professional, and social lives.

Compassionate care aids in healing disorders. It supports us in living better lives.

Sooner or later, all pass through an unknown, eternal, infinite space. We aim to make this transition more acceptable and less painful, caring for ourselves as well.

Embracing technological advancements enables us to uncover their incredible benefits by smoothly reducing distress that arises in challenging times.