Hypoalbuminaemia Linking Peritoneal Leakage following LUCS - A Case Report of Intraabdominal Collection with Sepsis
Abdulla Ubaid, Chishti Tanhar Bakth Choudhury*, Muhammad Afzal Ahmad, Maumoon Asim, Aishath Azna Ali and Ibrahim Adhil
December 18, 2024
A 37 year old educated lady with a BMI of 34 and history of (H/O) 7 days prior caesarean section, presented in ER of Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH), Maldives .She was comparatively well until the 2nd post operative day (POD) but then developed dyspepsia and discomfort and its gradually increasing and 5th day of operation, abdomen becomes distended with pain. Initial scanning reveals intra-abdominal mild to moderate collection with no obvious hemorrhage or luminal perforation. As hemodynamic status was static, it was treated conservatively, but for pain compile with Fever, distension and frequent hypoglycaemia came in sight thus she shifted for better management in tertiary centre (IGMH&DH) on 7th POD. Immediate base line screening reveals tender, distended abdomen , Fever, mild resp distress, severe hypoalbuminaemia with features of sepsis and intraabdominal thick collection, minimal pleural and pericardial effusion. Exploratory laparotomy through Mid midline incision performed and reveals foul smelling thick collection in multiple location of peritoneal cavity. Drainage and cleansing had been done with wide drain tube. Patient shifted in critical care unit with Albumin, antibiotics and other logistic cares. On the 10th POD, the patient was discharged with stable health parametres of life.
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