PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (ISSN: 2833-5627)

Review Article

Volume 4 Issue 6

The 1mP1 Method: A Revolution in Hypnosis with Unparalleled Precision, Biolocalization, and Potential for Physiological Modification

Sebastian Cippitelli*

May 29, 2024

DOI : 10.56831/PSMPH-04-147


This study examines the 1mP1 method, an innovative hypnosis technique that prioritizes direct suggestion and the concept of organic biolocalization. In comparison to contemporary approaches of indirect suggestion, the 1mP1 method stands out for its emphasis on precision and detail during suggestion. It is theorized that the effectiveness rate of 1mP1 significantly surpasses conventional methods, aiming not only to influence the individual's mind but also to explore the possibility of structurally or functionally modifying organs and tissues. Potential applications include pain relief, immune system modulation, tissue regeneration, and anti-aging procedures. This method introduces a revolutionary approach in hypnosis, opening new perspectives in the treatment of various medical conditions.

Keywords: 1mP1 Method; Hypnosis; Hypnotherapy; Biolocalization; Direct Suggestion; Neurosciences; Clinical Hypnosis; Mind-Body Interaction; Psychophysiological Effects; Mind-Body Medicine


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