PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (ISSN: 2833-5627)

Review Article

Volume 4 Issue 6

Knowledge as Power: Educating the Public on HIV's Past, Present, and Future

Rynee S Wijesinghe and Sampath Wijesinghe*

May 29, 2024

DOI : 10.56831/PSMPH-04-145


In this era, there is a promising path toward halting the HIV pandemic. It underscores the vital importance of spreading accurate HIV information and educating the public. Understanding these facts enables people to grasp the historical, present, and future aspects of HIV, determining the current position and trajectory. While significant progress has been made in combating HIV, there is still much work to be done, emphasizing the need to sustain ongoing efforts. This review aims to raise public awareness of HIV and urges for compassion, insight, and proactive measures. It calls for strength not only in laboratories but also in community engagement and policymaking. As we move forward, let us embrace a renewed sense of optimism and determination. Through collective action, we can relegate HIV to history, turning it from a persistent threat into a defeated adversary. Just a few decades ago, halting HIV seemed improbable. Today, reducing new HIV cases is within reach, exemplified by campaigns like "Let’s Stop HIV Together," which targets a 90% reduction in new cases by 2030. Together, progress has been made, and together, it will continue. Increasing public awareness of HIV and ongoing efforts further strengthens the fight against HIV.


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