PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (ISSN: 2833-5627)

Editorial Note

Volume 4 Issue 3

Longer Life with More Birthdays

Mina Bozorgnia*, Alireza Bozorgnia and Shahriar Gharibzadeh

March 04, 2024

DOI : 10.56831/PSMPH-04-131


Nowadays, obesity is increasing in the world. The amount of calories that people receive in their food is more than the amount the body’s needs. Lifestyle is one of the main causes of obesity. A ubiquitous lifestyle is the use of high calorie sweets such as cakes during various events like birthdays and graduation parties. One piece of cake has a high amount of calorie [1].

The main ingredients in cake baking are sugar, flour, and fat, all of which cause weight gain. If we replace these main ingredients with better nutritional alternatives, we can produce delicious, healthier cakes [2].

Can we have another suitable choice instead of cake in different delicious events, or can we at least use cakes that are less harmful? We have some suggestions in this regard: 1) Natural sugar sources obtained from fruit juices may be used instead of crystal sugar in cake formulations [3]. 2) Pawpaw Fruit Puree may be used in cake formulations as fat replacement [4]. 3) Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) flour may be used instead of wheat flour [5]. 4) Vegetable and apple pomace which are rich of fibers may be used. Pumpkin is an essential vegetable and is a rich source of protein, vitamin A and C, antioxidant, beta carotenes, carbohydrates, minerals, flavonoids and phenols though low in fat and calories [6]. 5) Using cakes in smaller sizes, for example, using cupcakes instead of cakes in large size. 6) Mixing the fruits together and putting them in cake molds and then adding a substance like gelatin and making them like a cake and using them as birthday fruits instead of birthday cake. 7) Making cake-free boxes special for birthday, having places for candles. People can throw away these boxes after blowing out their birthday candles.

More other routes may be introduced in order to change birthday habits to healthier and happier ones. It is enough to test some of these routes in birthdays, ceremonies, etc. Let’s begin.


  1. Bozorgnia M, Gharibzadeh S and Bozorgnia A. “Brief and Minimal Preventive Instructions to Maximize the Effectiveness”. Am J Biomed Sci & Res 20.1 (2023).
  2. Drewnowski A and Schwartz M. “Invisible fats: sensory assessment of sugar/fat mixtures”. Appetite 14.3 (1990): 203-217.
  3. Bilgicli N and Akbulut M. “Effects of different pekmez (fruit molasses) types on chemical, nutritional content and storage stability of cake”. Journal of Food Quality 32.1 (2009): 96-107.
  4. Wiese TD and Duffrin MW. “Effects of substituting pawpaw fruit puree for fat on the sensory properties of a plain shortened cake”. HortTechnology 13.3 (2003): 442-444.
  5. Oyeyinka S., et al. Cake production from wheat (Triticum aestivum) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) flours using date fruit as a sweetener (2014).
  6. Khanam T., et al. “Nutritionally enric hed cake using vegetable and fruit waste: A review”. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 8.3 (2019): 722-725.