PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (ISSN: 2833-5627)

Case Report

Volume 4 Issue 2

Social Support and Parental Stress as Factors Predicting Resilience among Caregivers of Autistic Children

Ajayi O*, Bankole ET, Arowosegbe CK, Aroso SO, Ojo AE, Dada OD and Showole OD

January 23, 2024

DOI : 10.56831/PSMPH-04-118


This study determined if social support and parental stress as factors could predict resilience among caregivers of autistic spectrum disorder. The study further examined if gender, age, and religion of caregiver will predict resilience among caregivers of autistic spectrum disorder as well. Participants for this study include 34 caregivers from the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Centre (CAMHSC) of the Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital, Yaba, and Lagos State. Caregivers’ age ranged between 20-66 including both males and females, across different religions and ethnic groups. Social support was assessed through Multidimensional scale of perceived social support, Parental stress was assessed through the parental stress scale, while Resilience was measured through the Brief resilience scale. The result revealed that social support did not significantly predict resilience B= -.16, t= -.98, P> .05. Stress has a significant influence on resilience B= .40, t= 2.46, P< .05. It further revealed that both social support and parental stress jointly significantly predict resilience R= .209, F (2, 31)= 4.09, P<.05. There is significant influence of gender on resilience t(32) = -2.842, P<.01. Similarly, there was significant interaction influence of age and religion on resilience F(2,27) =19.33; P<.01. It is suggested that mental health awareness campaigns should be raised about autism and the challenges faced by caregivers among religious and community leaders.


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