PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (ISSN: 2833-5627)

Case Report

Volume 3 Issue 6

Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis, An Unsighted Cause of Acute Abdomen - A Case Report

Chishti Tanhar Bakth Choudhury*, Md Fazlur Rahman, Nazmin Rahman and SM Touhidul Hoque

November 22, 2023

DOI : 10.56831/PSMPH-03-103


Tuberculosis has been one of the leading causes of high morbidity and mortality even in advanced science now a days. Tuberculosis is concerning for resistance pattern and MDR TB. Long term therapy is contravening factors for developing resistance as majority times patient are careless for follow up and discontinue medications after apparent improvement. Gastrointestinal TB accounts for 3% of extrapulmonary TB. The most common site of involvement being the ileocecal region. Vermiform appendix lies in close proximity to ileocecal area. Despite this, incidence of TB in appendix is rarely reported. There are no pathognomic signs and symptoms to prompt preoperative diagnosis of tubercular acute appendicitis. Diagnosis is usually made after histological reports of the appendix. Incidence of appendicular TB in all appendectomies has been reported varying from 0.1 to 0.3%, 1-3. This case report shows a female admitted with features of acute appendicitis and was operated on emergency basis. Her appendix surface was grossly reddened, thick, edematous, short and firmly adhered with cecum. During appendicectomy cecal serosa was injured and repaired. Histopathology reveals appendicular TB. Patient was treated according to anti TB regime.

Keywords: TB; V Appendix; HPR; Anti TB drug


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