Case Study
Volume 3 Issue 5
Nisha Joshi*, Aakansha Maurya, Amisha Singh, Neeshu Yadav, Neelam Singh, Mansi Joshi, Tanvi Rawat and Vijeta
October 27, 2023
DOI : 10.56831/PSMPH-03-198
A study was carried out to find out the existing knowledge of students and to develop, implement and evaluate for nursing students about knowledge about safety measure and prevention of covid-19 among nursing students. In the present study non-experimental design was used. The study was conducted at V3 College of nursing at Rudrapur. 100 Nursing students were selected as sample by non-probability convenient sampling technique. Data were collected in 2 parts; part A includes the questions regarding their demographic characteristics and part B the knowledge questionnaire regarding safety measures and prevention of covid-19.1 Section A: description of sample in term of demographic variables. Section B: - it includes 34 questionnaires which are divided into 3 parts Introduction, Safety measures and Prevention.
The study shows that out of 100 samples most of the nursing students (63%) was having moderate knowledge, (36%) students were having inadequate knowledge and (1%) has adequate knowledge. It was revealed that majority of the students (54%) were belonged to the age group of 18-20 Years followed by (42%) age group of 21-23 years and (4%) students were from age group above 24 years. Maximum numbers of students (85%) were females and (15%) students were male. Maximum numbers of students (54%) were belonged to non- medical family background and (46%) students were belonged to medical family background. Majority that is (95%) had previous information about safety measures and prevention of covid-19 while only (5%) do not have previous information about safety measures and prevention of covid-19. Source of information like majority of information was found from television that is (37%), social media that is (35%), other source of information that is (20%) and newspaper that is (8%).
In demographic variables we found that the mean value of Age is 20.5 with SD=1.72, in Gender mean value of male was found 0.15 with SD=1.48 and mean value of female was found 0.85 with SD=8.41, in educational status for B.Sc. nursing mean value is 0.64 with SD=6.33 and mean value for GNM was found 0.36 with SD=3.56, In family income the mean value was 33.33 with SD=18.19, in medical family background the mean value was found 0.46 with SD=4.55 and in non-medical family background the mean value was found 0.54 with SD=5.34, in previous knowledge about covid-19 if yes the mean value was found 0.95 with SD=9.40 and if No the mean value was found 0.05 with SD=0.48 and source of information the mean value was found for newspaper 0.08 with SD=0.78, for television the mean value was found 0.37 with SD=3.66, for social media the mean value was found 0.35 with SD=3.46 and any other the mean value was found 0.2 with SD=1.97.
The chi square analysis was carried out to determine the association between knowledge level and demographic variables. It was evident from result that nursing students were influenced by their Gender, Family income, Family background, previous information about safety measures and prevention of covid-19, and source of information. Here the H1 was accepted for association of knowledge level with variables Gender, Family income, Family background, previous information about safety measures previous and prevention of covid-19 and source of information. By using inferential statistics knowledge level of students were associated with their selected demographical characteristics. In gender the chi square value was found(p=0.271) which is less than the table value at(p=5.99), in family income the chi square value was found(p=4.93) which is less than the table value at(p=9.49), in family background the chi square value was found (p=2.989) which is less than the table value (p=5.99) and previous knowledge about the safety measures and prevention of covid-19 the chi square value was found (p= 0.101) which is less than the table value at ( p=5.99), If yes, source of information the chi value was found (p=7.685) which is less than the table value (p=12.59) at the 0.05 level of significant which clearly indicated that there is association between the these above demographical variables and knowledge of students.
However, demographical variables such as age, and educational status were found to be non-significant. According to age chi square value was found (p=30.59) which is more than the table value (p=9.49), which is clearly indicate that there is no association between the age and knowledge of student. In education status the chi square value was found (p=9.5835) which is more than the table value (p=5.99) which is clearly indicated that there is no association between these demographic variables and knowledge of students.
On the basis of present study, the researcher concluded that most of the nursing students had moderate knowledge about safety measures andprevention of covid-19. Researcher assessed the knowledge about safety measures and prevention of covid-19 to prevent suffering from covid-19. Researcher also open-up new pathway for future studies on the topic for more generalization. This concluded that the how many students are aware about safety measures and prevention of covid-19.
Keywords: covid-19; safety measures; prevention; knowledge; students