PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (ISSN: 2833-5627)

Case Study

Volume 3 Issue 4

Effect of Individualized Mat Pilates Exercises on Speed, Agility and Back Extensor Endurance in a Deconditioned Athelte ? A Case Study

Jeeru Pratyusha Reddy*, Chinthala Roopasri and Sashikala Bandaru

September 27, 2023

DOI : 10.56831/PSMPH-03-093


Introduction: An athlete's life revolves around their sport. Retirement from sports is a unique transition that influences significant identity, body, and lifestyle changes [1]. While competitive athletes exceed recommendations for physical activity, this only translates into regular physical activity after retirement from sports. Research suggests the nature of competitive sports participation may need to be more conducive to lifelong physical activity [2] Falling out from sports and physical activity leads the body into deconditioning. The study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Pilates in improving speed, agility and back extensor endurance in a deconditioned athlete.

Materials and Methods: The clinical setup for the case study was arranged at VAPMS College of Physiotherapy in Visakhapatnam. The pre and post-tests were performed on the premises of the institution. The subject is a male athlete, a middle-distance runner. The subject received Pilates training four sessions/week for eight weeks for 40 minutes. Speed, Agility and Back extensor endurance were assessed with the outcome measures 20-meter sprint, Illinois agility test and Biering Sorensen test.

Results: Results obtained from the present case study indicate that eight weeks of Mat Pilates improved speed, agility and back extensor endurance. Based on this study, there is a difference in the values recorded pre and post-Pilates training. Two trials were performed for each outcome measure, and the better of the two trials was considered.

Conclusion: The results from the present case study concluded that the Mat Pilates exercise training is effective in the improvement and enhancement of the speed, Agility and back extensor endurance of the athlete. Overall, it shows that an athlete's re-conditioning is possible with Pilates training.

Keywords: Pilates training; speed; Agility; back extensor endurance


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