PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (ISSN: 2833-5627)

Case Study

Volume 3 Issue 3

Clinical Profile of Late Preterm Neonates Admitted to a Tertiary Care NICU

Dinesh Kumar Vuppu and Venugopal Reddy Iragamreddy*

August 18, 2023

DOI : 10.56831/PSMPH-03-083


Introduction: In a study conducted at tertiary care center, Bangalore, a total of 144 late preterm neonates were studied. The majority of the neonates were born with a birth weight of more than 2 kg, and the study found that 28.33% of late preterm infants developed one or more complications leading to a hospital stay of more than 7 days. Most of the neonates required intravenous infusions, antibiotics, and were subjected to investigations for sepsis. In a study by Shapiro Mendoza et al, 22.8% of late preterms experienced at least one complication that could lead to prolonged hospital stay.

Methods: Late preterm infants are at high risk for neonatal morbidities, including neonatal hyperbilirubinemia requiring phototherapy, respiratory distress, sepsis, and feed intolerance. The duration of hospital stay was prolonged in late preterm neonates, with most requiring more than 7 days hospital duration. The rate of rehospitalization was also high.

Discussion: The study highlights the need for further studies to establish and evaluate strategies, routines, and protocols for premature interruption of pregnancy, reducing the number of premature births and developing obstetric protocols that increase the precision of methods for estimating gestational age (GA). Additionally, the study suggests using antenatal corticosteroid after 34 weeks to reduce respiratory pathologies and prevent a significant number of deaths in this group of neonates.

Conclusion: In conclusion, late preterm infants are at high risk for neonatal morbidities, including neonatal hyperbilirubinemia requiring phototherapy, respiratory morbidity, mechanical ventilation, sepsis, and hypoglycemia. Prolonging pregnancy to the maximum safest gestation can result in a decrease in these morbidities.


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