PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (ISSN: 2833-5627)


Volume 3 Issue 2

People Connectivity in The Digital Age

Sofica Bistriceanu*

July 04, 2023

DOI : 10.56831/PSMPH-03-076


     People’s interaction has changed over time. Traditional face-to-face interaction is frequently replaced with virtual interaction, offering communication comfort without walking or traveling at a low cost. Reduction of time-consuming for that, saving money, and the opportunity to arrange exchanges with selected people according to personal interests and preferences means lifestyle change influences public health.

     Using IT devices for quick communication, immediate info available if necessary, and even acquiring expertise in one’s chosen domain by accessing on-demand educational programs and online certification represent a more convenient way of instruction and living.

     Individual working reflects genetics, education, social connection, and environmental characteristics. It is advisable to maintain an equilibrium between intellectual activity and physical exercises. Moreover, intellect work can relax in the digital age, along with a personal choice from diverse virtual offerings aiding in recharging, ensuring a harmonious state of being.

     People’s data fast circulates by media, helping individuals to better decide on their collaborators. Personal reputation, appreciation, trust, and respect are fundamental for long-lasting relationships. Good partnership work ensures a prosperous social, cultural, professional, and emotional life. Unsafe people interactions have detrimental effects on their health and, consequently, decline work efficiency and well-being. IT advancement facilitates blocking collaboration with dishonest or uneducated people.

     The medical team’s mission is to detect the negative impact of unhealthy behaviour on individuals’ well-being and provide timely solutions for that, utilizing information technology resources for a swift recovery.

Immoral conduct in daily work is easily identified by using specialized electronic tools for monitoring; applying reasonable measures for remediation makes possible fast restoration of bad habits and ameliorates offensive people collaboration. Nowadays, corrective actions for harmful human behaviour are used more gently and with more permission, exploring self-reflection value for improvement.

     AI-powered tools can assist in restoring health, expanding knowledge, and enhancing the overall quality of life, finally leading to increased life expectancy.

     The latest technological advancement in healthcare delivery is used in clinical diagnosis, which may be established using only virtual patient data. Various IT devices are available for both rich and poor people in need. But just using a modest mobile phone makes the connection between the physician, nurse, and patient possible; online voice analysis combined with breath characteristics and face and hands info enables a rapid clinical diagnosis with no more time-consuming. This new practice model is more facile and accessible, gaining benefits for all parties implied in dealing with medical conditions: health professionals, patients, their families, pharmaceutical departments, and representatives of other trades connected for social support.

     Recording people’s physical or online interactions allows us to revisit communication for analysis; this helps detect possible gaps, correct them, and improve business or corporate performance.

     Customer experience reflects the professionalism of individuals collaboratively working and offering their products; the client’s knowledge, involvement, skills, emotional state, and proficiency are examined by gathering data from various touch-points and other communication channels. Consumer satisfaction ensures increased revenues, improved practice efficiency, and societal progress.

     People’s interaction with robots replacing their labour is a new, more accurate, rapid, and cost-saving alternative in service mode.

     As for each fact, there are two opposite facets of the advancement of technologies these days. The optimistic attributes of IT may fascinate us but are easily eclipsed by other elements with detrimental effects on individual health: more absorbed time to navigate them, a decreased program for physical activities or relaxation in nature, less time interacting in person, and disturbed slipping rhythm. These factors, if unbalanced, can lead to increased body mass index and brain disorders; sleep disruption represents a point start of other medical conditions. Ingenuity for an educational platform focussing on people’s health in the digital age is imperative.

     A fair digital program for an individual ensures a healthy life expedition, attaining excellence in living in the natural and perceptible - audible and visible world.