PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (ISSN: 2833-5627)

Case Study

Volume 2 Issue 6

Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), and Big Data in Healthcare, Finance, and Transportation

Suresh Kashinath Ghatge* and Anuradha Parasar

May 04, 2023

DOI : 10.56831/PSMPH-02-067


The study has depicted the usages of IoT (Internet of things), AI (Artificial intelligence), and big data, which are mainly integrated health, financial and transportation system. IoT assist in establishing advanced connection between one device to another with the specific region with an application of sensor or wireless connection. The IoT in the healthcare help to create connection between doctors system to patient’s system for mentoring the patients. This application in financial sector helps to transact confidential information, which specifically happened with block chain technology. In the transportation, the sensor or wireless connection help to develop a connection thorough airspace and this also create a better connection with land to understand the direction. Similarly, the application of AI and Big Data can help gather accurate and insightful information that can help take better decisions in each of sectors for future growth and development. To evaluate and investigate the application of artificial intelligence, the internet of things (IoT), and big data in healthcare, finance, and transportation. The paper has used secondary data to provide the required insights on the topic and address its purpose. It is quite evident from the conducted research that the application of these technologies is only going to increase in the mentioned sectors considering their positive impact on growth and development of the respective sectors.

Keywords: IoT (Internet of things); AI (Artificial intelligence); big data; technological advancement; connection; healthcare; financial sector


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