PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (ISSN: 2833-5627)

Review Article

Volume 2 Issue 5

Unification of the Concept of Personality as Basic Term of Practical Psychology

Yevhen Y Shantyr*

April 28, 2023

DOI : 10.56831/PSMPH-02-063


     One of the main socio-psychological conceptual categories is the concept of personality, while there is no generally accepted interpretation of this term. The basis of scientific ideas about the personality of a person at the moment is a number of theories and ideas, which are characterized by different scientific approaches, diverse semantic content and ambiguous interpretation.

     At the same time, the problems of modern society urgently require the development of a fundamentally new theory of personality, which, by analogy with integrative psychology, would act as a unifying principle of all paradigms of psychological thought in the context of interpreting the concept of personality and would contribute to a unified approach to understanding this basic conceptual category in other social and philosophical sciences.

     This article consistently outlines a new theory of personality, which is based on the main provisions of integrative psychology and, accordingly, is called the Integrative theory of personality. According to the author, this theory can act as a consolidating principle, both in the scientific worldview and in practical implementation. On the basis of analytical research, the paper shows the main approaches to understanding the content of personality theory, gives a definition of the concept of personality, describes the structure of personality as the basis of human behavioral manifestations, and also shows and discloses the basic terminological concepts that the Integrative Personality Theory operates on. Based on its main provisions, the author of the article interprets the key issues that are most often discussed in scientific and popular science literature regarding the conceptual category of a person's personality.

Keywords: psychology; sociology; social psychology; practical psychology; integrative psychology; personality; personality theory; personality structure; terms and concepts


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