PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (ISSN: 2833-5627)


Volume 2 Issue 3

Physical Exercise Benefit VS Harm on Individual

Sofica Bistriceanu*

February 18, 2023

DOI : 10.56831/PSMPH-02-041


Work ennobles us and assures our dignity and prosperity in a never-ending natural world.

     ‘Those who do not work do not eat, except for individuals with serious illnesses’ - is a divine message.

     There is a hierarchy of work design, effecting, and monitoring; each individual has to be in a position according to his expertise and ability to play his role. Harmonic mental and physical activities ensure job performance.

     Job descriptions inform in some way prospective employees about their work-out to achieve better duties. A person’s good health facilitates job completion, but an altered physical activity declines a specified standing for an individual. Each selection compels work necessities and personal health, and individual medical conditions impose attention not to harm.

     According to their disorder, middle-aged people and senior adults may experience difficulties in physical exercises; in that case, a remote job [virtual] or another job selection is recommended.

     Regular physical activity maintains and improves the well-being of people in good health. Daily fine-organized exercise program duration, frequency, and intensity ensure a better life, but excessive limits for physical exercise make an individual vulnerable.

     People at risk of various medical conditions, with specific demographic data, may carry out physical exercises well settled beyond hurt.

     For a weak individual, disproportionate physical activities can lead to disaster. In addition, the warm or cold season easily facilitates brain haemorrhage or myocardial infarction for these individuals doing excessive physical work.

     Generally, physical exercise, including walking in nature, is recommended to maintain and improve individual health. For young and middle age people with moral distress but a good heart activity, walking in nature is an effective remedy; fresh air, water flow sound, floral scent, and impressive or rousing trees have a positive impact on the respiratory system, blood flow and composition, and on mental functioning. It is a relatively inexpensive mode to attain expected clinical outcomes.

     Some senior adults may benefit from an accurate physical exercise program. Most old persons are registered with heart failure, respiratory diseases, and mobility problems. For this category, physical exercises may generate dyspnoea, fatigue, and pain with additional discomfort on relatives and social workers excessively implied in their care. Clinical practice evidence shows that even walking a short distance can be fatal for older adults with advanced heart disease. But in the digital era, they may use IT devices to admire nature’s splendor or paintings, watch on-demand musical programs and movies, update the information of interest, lecture, and communicate with their loved ones, and this option never existed.

     Physical exercise is a convenient remedy with a wide range of advice or limitation, adjusted to individual medical history and clinical and demographic data. Harm and benefit are two facets of the same method for dealing with problems for recovering and improving mental and physical health.

     There is a time to use or decline the physical exercises in the best interest of the individual health.

     The art of adjusting specific procedures to personal data to achieve the desired target return in the form of gratitude and admiration from the community we serve.

     Better to keep physical exercise limits on the way, and in the end, be able to open the door coming the night.