PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (ISSN: 2833-5627)

Review Article

Volume 2 Issue 2

Transfusion Safety and the Communication Challenge of the Blood Supply at the Military Hospital of Yaound?

Célestine Clémence NSI*, Serge Clotaire Billong, Annick Ndoumba, George Bédiang, Célestin Ayangma, Claude Tayou and Marie José Essi

January 28, 2023


Background: Cameroon faces security challenges that significantly impact the demand for blood and blood products in its care facilities, including military ones. The blood bank of the Military Hospital Region I Yaounde (MHRI) because of its human, material and managerial potential, and its situation provided the framework for analysing the communicational issues of the blood supply.

Methods: A descriptive qualitative-quantitative situational analysis of the military hospital's blood bank communication system, and its deployment in 2017 has been carried out. The 2014 Who Global Database on Blood Safety (OMS) collection and analysis tool used the bank's staff and routine documents.

Results: The bank registered 1101 candidates in the [18-27] bracket. There was no communication programme geared towards defence institutions, schools and university faculties. The staff's action, restricted but of good quality, was supported by financial and technical partners.

Conclusion: There are significant mobilization potentials at MHRI, and the value of setting up and supporting communication strategies to unite these dynamics for an efficient blood supply is needed.

Keywords: blood; communication; supply; MHRI


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