PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (ISSN: 2833-5627)

Review Article

Volume 2 Issue 2

Choosing Appropriate Probability Sampling Designs in Research

Lok Raj Sharma*

January 28, 2023


     Sampling design is one of the most recurrently conversed and discussed topics in research studies. Which sampling design is preferable and suitable in research primarily depends on the characteristics of a population through which we form a sample for the study. A sampling design is distinct plan for attaining a sample from the given population. The principal objective of this article is to choose the appropriate probability sampling designs in research studies. The present study is qualitative in nature and the data are collected from the secondary sources. This article will no doubt be beneficial to the persons who are engrossed in research studies as it provides them with a clear concept of types of the probability sampling designs so that they can cull an apt probability sampling design to carry out the research studies.

Keywords: Probability; research; sample; sampling design


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