PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (ISSN: 2833-5627)

Short Communication

Volume 1 Issue 4

Why Public Health Medicine is a Matter?

Mohammed M Abdullah Albaadani*

December 05, 2022


The health of the population is not the responsibility of the healthcare system, but of society as a whole. So, while public health may be within the health care system, it necessarily operates to a large extent beyond that system, at a community and societal level. Public health defines as the is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health through the organized efforts of society. On other hand, Public Health Medicine is one of the specialties of medicine that aims to promote health and prevent diseases and injuries (primordial and primary prevention), in contrast to the medical model of care, which focuses more on reacting to the illness through diagnosing and treating them after they occur (secondary and tertiary prevention). Public health medicine also focuses on assessing and measuring the health status of populations and developing effective interventions at the population level rather than individuals and creating the conditions that enable people to make healthy choices to improve their health.

Public health medicine faces many obstacles and challenges, especially in developing countries. One of these challenges is that public health medicine is not given a high priority like other specialties of medicine. The reason is that health planners in these countries are focusing their efforts on secondary, tertiary, and advanced healthcare services and do not give the required support to public health medicine that considers effective wall to enhance the general health of the population, through the building of an integrated primary health care programs to detect and deal early with cases that may slip to higher levels of health care and cost healthcare systems a lot of money.

Governments and policymakers across the globe should give more attention to the public health medicine discipline as it is considered one of the pillars that enhance the health of societies and make them active and productive at the same time.