PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (ISSN: 2833-5627)

Review Article

Volume 1 Issue 4

?COVID-19 - POST-COVID SYNDROME? Pandemic: The Problem is Solved by Information Medicine - Hirudotherapy

Krashenyuk AI*

December 05, 2022


The article discusses the mechanism of the disease "COVID - 19 - POSTCOVID SYNDROME". The mechanisms of pathogenesis of this disease are affected. The most proven mechanisms of the pathogenesis of the disease and the most effective methods of treatment according to the literature are considered. In comparative terms, the advantage of the "System Method of Leeching" in comparison with the proposed methods of treatment is shown. The possibility of monotherapy with medical leeches (hirudotherapy) of this disease is shown, as an example of information medicine.

Keywords: Disease "COVID - 19 - POSTCOVID SYNDROME"; damage to the nervous system (central and peripheral); DIC- syndrome; “System Method of leeching” (SML) - hirudotherapy; new effects of hirudotherapy

     The author of the article owns a series of publications highlighting the features of the pathogenesis of a new disease: "COVID - 19 - POSTCOVID SYNDROME", as well as a method of treatment and prevention of this disease based on the scientifically proven healing properties of Hirudo medicinalis medical leeches [3-13]. At the same time, the editors of three scientific medical journals have already adopted the author's concept of the name of the disease - "COVID - 19 - POST-COVID SYNDROME" [11-13], which reflects the understanding that this is a single disease that has two phases: the first phase is an acute process, which usually lasts 2-3 weeks - ("COVID - 19") and the next phase is the development of a chronic process - ("POSTCOVID]. The team of MGNOT doctors, represented by its Chairman - Professor A.P. Vorobyov, offers the following treatment for "Post-Covid syndrome": 1. Apply direct oral anticoagulants, twice a day; 2. Plasmapheresis - at least 900 ml, for 1 procedure, at least 5 procedures, daily, with plasma replacement with saline to reduce intoxication [6]. It should be noted that the use of direct anticoagulants has a number of limitations and significant complications with damage to the central nervous system, they can cause nasal, throat and renal bleeding. Plasmapheresis is applicable only if there is special equipment and trained personnel in the clinics. Given the huge masses of the population affected by the pandemic, the proposed treatment technology has no chance of large-scale application. SYNDROME"), which can last for 18-24 months.

     Such a definition of the new pandemic is important not only from a taxonomic point of view, but, above all, from a mental point of view, so it gives the doctor an understanding of the complexity of the course of the disease and requires monitoring patients during the entire specified period, for example, monitoring the dynamics: D-dimers, prothrombin time, platelet count and the level of fibrinogen in the blood of convalescents. These are the recommendations of the International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ISTH) [15]. Now these are the most informative markers of the danger of thrombosis. The term "Long COVID" does not reflect the essence of the disease process [13].

     It should be clearly distinguished that the cause of the disease is the virus "COVID-19" (Beta-coronavirus SARS-CoV-2), and the disease itself, for these reasons, should be called "COVID-19 - POSTCOVID SYNDROME".

     Analyzing the pathogenesis of this disease, we will dwell on the analysis of the pathogenesis and treatment offered by two scientific schools of Russia. One of them is the analysis and opinion of doctors united in the Moscow City Scientific Society of Therapists (MCSST) named after Professor S.P. Botkin. After examination and treatment of a significant number of patients (more than 2,000 people), with a confirmed diagnosis of “COVID-19”, during 2020-2021, the diagnosis of «POSTCOVID SYNDROME" was formulated. According to MCSST " POSTCOVID SYNDROME " is: “Chronically occurring thrombovasculitis with a predominant lesion of the nervous system (Central, autonomous and peripheral) and skin” [14].

     The team of MCSST doctors, represented by its Chairman - Professor A.P. Vorobyov, offers the following treatment for "POSTCOVID SYNDROME":

  1. Apply direct oral anticoagulants, twice a day;
  2. Plasmapheresis - at least 900 ml, for 1 procedure, at least 5 procedures, daily, with plasma replacement with saline to reduce intoxication [6].

     It should be noted that the use of direct anticoagulants has a number of limitations and significant complications with damage to the central nervous system; they can cause nasal, throat and renal bleeding. Plasmapheresis is applicable only if there is special equipment and trained personnel in the clinics.

     Given the huge masses of the population affected by the pandemic, the proposed treatment technology has no chance of large-scale application.

     Another clinical school, headed by academician Makatsaria A.D., believes that the leading pathological sign of this disease is the "Syndrome of disseminated intravascular coagulation - (DIC) syndrome [15]. The most unfavorable prognostic sign, according to the authors of this school, is coagulopathy.

     If the parameters of the main markers of coagulopathy (D-dimers, prothrombin platelet time, count and fibrinogen levels) worsen, more "aggressive" resuscitation care should be carried out: Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) should be prescribed to all patients with diagnosed “COVID-19” infection (including non-critical patients) who require hospitalization, in the absence of contraindications to LMWH in these patients. The use of LMWH drugs by this school (Enaxiparin, Nadroparin, Dalteparin) in a prophylactic dose is also justified, which does not require special control. It is recommended to take these drugs to all patients, even with a mild course of the disease, excluding active bleeding, platelet count < 25x109/l, intolerance to LMWH, severe renal failure.

      At the same time, it is not known how these drugs will behave with prolonged use, except for the above limitations for them.

     The author of this article spoke at the 11th European Congress for Integrative Medicine in 2018 in Ljubljana (Slovenia) [1] and at the 5th International Meeting on Traditional and Alternative Medicine in Rome (Italy) April 2019 with a report: "The Renaissance of hirudotherapy in Russia: The end of XX and the beginning XXI century [2]. These speeches and publications were positively received by the medical community, which served as an incentive for a more complete coverage of the topic of the current state of hirudotherapy in Russia [11-13].

     Without reducing the importance of the recommendations of the MCSST therapy of "POSTCOVID SYNDROME"), we offer an alternative way to solve the problem of reducing mortality from pneumonia and other complications caused by “COVID-19”. Previously, we expressed the same point of view in the treatment of elderly people with multi-organ pathology, namely, they become primarily victims of this pneumonia [4].

     This is the application of the "System Method of Leeching" (SML) - (hirudotherapy). The method is based on a combination of the principles of homeopathy and acupuncture (hirudopuncture, our definition). The proposed solution is based on the almost 30-year use of SML in elderly people with multi-organ pathology and children treated at the Academy of Hirudotherapy of St. - Petersburg [16]. The preventive and therapeutic plan for anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy for the prevention of DIC- syndrome, distress syndrome is considered step by step from the standpoint of the “System Method of Leeching” (SML) in recent publications [4, 17].

     We remind readers about some unknown properties of leech.

     Over the past 30 years, the Academy of Hirudotherapy in St.- Petersburg has obtained a number of new fundamental facts when applying the “System Method of Leeching (SML), which can significantly enhance the clinical effect of its use, and will reduce the mortality of patients with pneumonia caused by the “COVID-19” virus.

In addition to the already known properties of hirudotherapy - antithrombic and thrombolytic, anti-inflammatory, countercurrent, new properties of medical leeches were discovered at the department:

  • Discovery of the energy effect (information-entropic);
  • Discovery of the neurostimulating effect of the medical leech;
  • Discovery of the acoustic effect of leeching (hirudotherapy);
  • Discovery of the detoxification effect of leeching (hirudotherapy);
  • Discovery of the phenomenon of local hyperthermia in the body of a benign brain tumor - neurinoma;
  • Discovery of the negentropic effect of leeching (hirudotherapy);
  • The role of autohemogyrudotherapy in the formation of the immunomodulatory effect of leeching (hirudotherapy) is shown;
  • Discovery of the aquastructuring effect of leeching (hirudotherapy);
  • Discovery of the "Resonance-wave effect" of leech on the state of the human aquasystem.

     Descriptions of all these discoveries are detailed in the author's publications [3-13, 17].

     Therefore, as soon as the pandemic caused by the “COVID-19” virus was pumped up in Russia, our doctors, trained in the SML technology, began to actively apply this method in the treatment of the disease "COVID-19 - POST-COVID SYNDROME".

     At the same time, it was shown that SML is a pathogenetic method of treating this disease, including well-known signs of damage to the central and peripheral nervous system, (restoring smell, hearing and vision loss, manifesting antidepressant syndrome) preventing the development of DIC - syndrome.

     It should be noted that the use of SML has no restrictions on the timing of use, so a patient with a brain tumor - a neurinoma (schwanoma) received treatment for 23 years, demonstrating a positive result of treatment (Clinical case

described [18]).

     Why do we refer to hirudotherapy as a “Method of information medicine”?

      Not only because this method has about 20 types of therapeutic effect. But also because in the process of treatment with medical leeches, which is first shown in our studies, there is an impact on the information-entropy processes in the aqua system of patients, which leads to a process of harmony between the indicators of the chaos criterion (Cc) and the order criterion (Co), with access to the harmony parameters - "Golden Proportion" or "Golden Ratio", which is characteristic of a high level of health [5, 19].

     Known for many centuries, the method of hirudotherapy, as part of Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine, is still revered and used in India and the countries of South-East Asia.

     At present, thanks to new knowledge in the field of hirudology and hirudotherapy, reflected in the "System Method of Hirudotherapy", the Ayurveda method has acquired a new image, content and capabilities.


     The SML method has no complications and can be used as monotherapy in both the acute and chronic stages of the disease "COVID - 19 - POSTCOVID SYNDROME".