PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health (ISSN: 2833-5627)

Short Communication

Volume 1 Issue 4

Moral Distress Restoration in the Digital Era

Sofica Bistriceanu*

December 03, 2022

DOI : 10.56831/PSMPH-01-021


     The people interact through their energy, with and without words, attitudes, sounds, and images, thinking of them. Individual behaviour reflects mind activity relating to others. A young person’s voice usually varies from that of an older individual; the elderly often share memory impairment and judgment differences; sometimes, reasoning deviance and unskilful transmission of their viewpoint in public are observed.


     To highlight communication dimensions between generations and new choices for moral distress restoration in the digital era.

Material and Methods

     A qualitative study performed by the author in the community, 2008-2022, relating to communication value for people’s health. The effects of inappropriate communication were noticed and corrected when and where necessary and preventive actions were initiated.


     One day in the spring of 2021, a patient, 89, in interaction with a physician in public, used impolite attitudes and words, determining moral distress for the physician.

Patient medical history; widow: 1972; HTA: from 1972. Heart failure, NYHA class II, 2021; NYHA class III, 2022.

Patient family health history: brothers, sisters, parents: HTA.

Actions were taken

     The physician made no comment in public, but a few hours after that incident, when observed the patient alone, she went to her and compassionately scolded her. The patient commented: ‘I said it, and if I said it, what should I do now? Take a cake here from mine to pass you by! I am upset since my son-in-law passed away; he was diagnosed with COVID, and today is the funeral.’ The doctor was affected by the situation and expressed her condolences. To amend the moral distress generated by interaction with that patient, the physician listened to a selected classical music program and enjoyed chosen lectures.


     No other offensive communications were noticed for that person.


     Grave life events and medical conditions make an older person less attentive in interaction with others in public. Supportive actions from the community can ameliorate their suffering. The digital era offers a new perspective on moral distress restoration.

Discussion/ Implications

     Older people were more affected by the pandemic COVID ID19; the loss of their dear ones makes them more vulnerable and sometimes unwise in interaction with others. That patient, in those moments, was probably furious with all physicians, considering the loss of her son-in-law. People must resonate with their suffering, understand their judgment impairment, and support them. Compassion, kind words, friendly attitudes, and encouragement are practical actions to ameliorate their distress. Moral distress restoration benefits in this era of technological advances; IT devices offer a new perspective that never existed before. The selection of the different programs according to individual preference, using the ‘watch on demand’ function, images from nature, reading stories of interest, and channels-mid conversation with dear ones are helpful instruments for restoration of moral distress. Digital products inspire, energize, and encourage us, even in difficult times. Walking in nature is another effective, cheaper technique for health improvement. Self-esteem in intersection with the principles for people’s collaboration in public may exceed the limits; the elderly often hurt us since time slowly undermine all.